Personal Information
- Name: Ergin ALTINTAS
- Birth Year: 1978
- Email: ergin {at} altintas /dot/ org
- Personal Website:
- 2023: DSc (PhD) - Computer Engineering, Ege University
- 2005: MSc - Computer Engineering, Naval Sciences and Engineering Institute (GPA: 4/4) (1st place)
- 1999: BSc - Computer Engineering, Turkish Naval Academy (GPA: 3.19/4)
- 1995: Turkish Naval High School
- 2023: Altintas, E., Development of Named Entity Recognition System Exploiting Language-Specific Features, PhD Thesis, CoHE Thesis Center.
- 2005: Altintas, E., Karsligil E., Coskun, V., A New Semantic Similarity Measure Evaluated in Word Sense Disambiguation, NODALIDA-2005, Joensuu, Finland.
- 2005: Altintas, E., Karsligil E., Coskun, V., The Effect of Windowing in Word Sense Disambiguation, ISCIS'05, Istanbul, Turkey.
- 2005: Improving Word Sense Disambiguation Accuracy, Master’s Thesis, Naval Sciences and Engineering Institute.
- 2017: Turkish Armed Forces Capture The Flag - Best-performing team’s lead.
- 2016: Turkish Armed Forces Capture The Flag - Best-performing team’s lead.
- 1999: Turkish Naval Academy - Winner of computer engineering graduation project of the year (SeTa - Using Neural Networks for Human Voice Recognition in Ship Navigation).
- 1995: Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council - Participated in the International Olympiad in Informatics National Semi-Final Team (8 members).
- 1994: Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council - Winner of national high school computer project of the year (ISY - A Swift File Manager for DOS).
Work Experience
- 2021-Present: Senior DevOps Engineer, / Ankara
- 2020-2021: DevOps Engineer, Teleskop.App / Ankara
- 2012-2020: Management of Cyber Security (Incident Response, Cyber Operations, Cyber Research & Development, Cyber Risk Management), Turkish Navy / Ankara
- 2010-2012: Management of Information Systems (Linux System Administration, Thin Clients, Pardus/Linux Migration), Turkish Navy / Ankara
- 2008-2010: Inspection of Information Systems, Turkish Navy / Ankara
- 2005-2008: Management of Information Systems Branch, Southern Command Headquarters, Turkish Navy / Izmir
- 2003-2005: MSc in Computer Engineering, Naval Sciences and Engineering Institute, Turkish Naval Academy
- 2001-2003: Executive Officer (TCSG 90), Turkish Coast Guard Command / Istanbul
- 1999-2001: Weapons Officer (TCG SIVRIHISAR), Turkish Navy / Izmir
Computer Skills and Experience
Pardus, WebAssembly, Dgraph, GraphQL, R, Nix/NixOS, Nim, Go, Lua, Rust.
- Systems Administration: Pardus/Debian/Ubuntu/Centos/RHEL/Gentoo/Funtoo/Arch GNU/Linux, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm.
- Programming Languages: Bash, zsh, sh, Python, Ruby, Pascal, C/C++, C#, Perl, Java, Prolog, Basic, Fortran.
- Web Technologies: Apache, nginx, PHP, Django, Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, Alfresco, Liferay, MediaWiki, DocuWiki, MkDocs, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- DevOps Tools: Jenkins, SonarQube, Jira, Confluence, Git, SOAP/RESTful web services, Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, MS Azure.
- Cyber Security Systems: Ahtapot Integrated Cyber Security System, Suricata, Snort, OpenSSL, IPTables, mod_security Web Application Firewall, ELK Stack, OSSIM.
- Other: KVM, LXC, LXD, Proxmox VE, Zabbix, Nagios, VirtualBox, Redmine, Bugzilla, Thin Clients, Diskless Systems.
Past Experience:
Ada, Assembly, Classic ASP, Visual Basic, MS Access, PHP-Nuke, Free DOS, xoops, Windows Server.
Courses, Certifications, and Events
- 2016: Locked Shield Exercise - Turkish Blue Team / Ankara
- 2016: SANS SEC-511 - Continuous Monitoring and Security Operations / Brussels
- 2016: CCDCOE - Large Scale Packet Capture Analysis Course / Tallinn
- 2013: EUCOM Cyber Endeavor Seminar / Grafenwoehr
For a more detailed work experience and skills document you contacat me by email.